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Data Analyst (Position ##7005)

Location Jaipur, India

Position Summary

Job Profile


  • Collect and analyze performance data and trend analysis from the data appropriate reports for the technical team members; develop a reporting procedure that allows you to standardize your findings in appropriate communication / presentation / documentation medium like a Sport Data Analyst.
  • Programming with Python to perform simple and complex statistical analysis of large datasets.
  • Performing SQL queries and web-scraping to explore and extract data from databases and websites.
  • Performing efficient data analysis from scratch and to deliver finished product.
  • Building insightful visualizations to get a comprehensive and intuitive representation of market and trader data.
  • Working with timeseries data, data cleaning and back-testing. Simulation, optimization and using statistical techniques (Auto-Regression, Auto-Correlation, and Principal Component Analysis).


Education Qualifications

  • A degree in computer science or a related field.

Work Experience

  • We seek for self-motivated, curious, and highly driven individuals. This opportunity is open for everyone from recent college grads to the professionals with relevant experience.

Skill Set

  • A strong background in data structures, algorithms, and programming languages categorically, Python and R.
  • Solid data mining and analysis skills (especially time-series data), including experience dealing with a large amount of data.
  • Strong MS Excel skills including VBA.
  • Background in data visualization.
  • Exceptional problem-solving abilities.
  • Strong communication skills while being humble and respectful.
  • Working knowledge of Linux will be an advantage.
  • Knowledge of any other development language, including Java, or Perl and Shell scripts will be a plus.
  • Knowledge of Microsoft end user programs like Power BI, Share Point etc.
  • Basic knowledge of quantitative finance and statistics will be another plus.
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